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Welcome to the first Pi Convention. In the last few days, we have asked the Pioneers to come up with a unique name that would allow us to call our convention through a Pi topic. And we received 186,173 suggestions. The community promoted these proposals about half a million times and rejected them. As a result of this process, a very interesting name came up. Coincidence name. Harmony resembles a joint invention, which means we are all inventing Pi together, but it also resembles consensus and convention. So, we decided to go with him. Due to COVID-19, this convention is happening exclusively online within the Pie Network app. So, most of the videos are shot in portraits so we sometimes like to hang up our phones. Also, since we are conducting conventions online, the limits of the Universal Convention on Physical Concepts do not apply. For example, not everyone needs to travel to a central convention venue where the convention has to be completed in a very short time. That way, the Pay Convention will run for a few weeks, releasing a few videos at once. This speaker session is about PiNode updates and future plans. We will have three conversations: First, we will discuss node updates from the last quarter. We will then present our plan for the nodes for the rest of the year. Finally, we will explore the potential future use of nodes and the importance of nodes for everyday people. I hope you enjoy the pie seriously

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