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Hello everyone! This is Orlean, from the main team, he is talking to you from Paris, France. He said: 

I am one of the software engineers working on the Node application, and in this session, I am going to cover the recent updates in the Node app and the reasons why they are a major milestone in our roadmap. ۔ To date, the Node app has been installed by over 200,000 pioneers, 60,000 of whom are active every day. We also recently released PiNode v0.3.4. This is a huge milestone as it is the first version to enable a set of selected Tesnet to run on the Pi testnet blockchain.
The latest version is now v0.3.6, and this version shows users more internal statistics: some node availability statistics, some internal data about the blockchain component, and finally some troubleshooting information. v0.3.4 Building was a big part of the job: since we had more than 10 test repetitions with community mediators and volunteer testers before it was released to the general public. Due to its nature, the blockchain component has caused a number of compatibility issues with different devices and different operating systems. Our goal remains the same: to make the interface as user-friendly as possible and to eliminate as many issues as possible before we make a release available to the general public. We are still focused on user-centric design. We want to emphasize that as a pioneer we care about you and reduce the technical complexity for the majority of users.
This is in line with our goal of creating the most widely distributed and most user-friendly digital currency. Now, all node users can upgrade to the latest version. However, for technical reasons, we are not releasing the blockchain component at all. We are gradually making it available to customers on a rolling basis. We've invited over 100 node candidates, and we'll be inviting more pioneers to follow the PI Tesnet blockchain in the coming weeks. The point I'm trying to make is this: Don't be discouraged if you haven't seen the blockchain feature.
It will be available to you very soon. Our goal is to enable node candidates to ultimately activate the blockchain component and follow the Python blockchain. Note that I'm using the words "follow the Tesnet blockchain". Try to explain to me what it means. First, what is Tesnet? Pi testnet P is fully implemented on the blockchain, but it is using a test currency. Everything you do on Tesnet does not apply to your actual pay balance. The purpose of the testnet is to verify that the agreed algorithm works in real cases, before moving on to the original agreement, called the minutiae. This section will be covered in more detail in the next session.
Now, what does it mean to "follow Tesnet"? This means that these latest versions of the Node app enable the user to join the network, and can record and verify the status of the blockchain locally in real-time. However, these nodes are not getting connections to other nodes. This will be part of the supernode role. The next session will take a closer look at the deployment features of the Pi testnet and we plan to gradually move from the current system to Manit.

Thanks for reading out!

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